deKay's Lofi Gaming

Little Big Planet 3 (PS4): COMPLETED!

I don’t know where I got this. PS+, perhaps? I certainly would never have bought it what with not really liking the first game. Oh sure, it was clever and it looked pretty and you could make your own levels, but they forgot to make it controllable and fun and the physics are all over the place and the moving in and out of the screen is hit and miss. But they’ll have fixed that two sequels later, right? Right? …

Little Big Planet (PS3): COMPLETED!

By “completed”, I mean, I’ve finished all the story levels and beaten the end boss. I know there are more challenges, and 96898621504588 user made levels, and hidden stuff, and things to collect and all that sort of thing, but no – I’ve had enough. It wasn’t terrible, but as a game (rather than a tool), it was all a bit lacking. The into and out of the screen moving, the strange jumping physics, the wonky collision detection, and the …

Sackboy: A Big Adventure (PS5): COMPLETED!

I talked about this a lot more on the ugvm Podcast, but for those who don’t listen (who even are you?), here’s a written account instead. Firstly, I want to point how how bad I thought the Little Big Planet games are. As toyboxes, as creation tools – they’re great. Clunky, but great. As actual platformers? Awful. Some really great ideas, totally ruined by stupid controls and physics and wonkiness. For this reason, I never even looked at Sackboy: A …

Journey to the Savage Planet (Switch): COMPLETED!

It’s Metroid Prime! Only with humour and all the colours! And with big eyed aliens who meow at you! And it’s very, very good. Like Metroid Prime, there’s first person shootering, although that’s not really – bar some bosses – the main focus of the gameplay. No, you’re expected to explore, find upgrades to enable further exploration, and you need to discover what all the strange alien artefacts on this supposedly undiscovered and uninhabited planet mean. You find resources either …

Tearaway (Vita): COMPLETED!

When Little Big Planet was announced, there was a lot of excitement over how innovative and clever and creative it was. And it was all those things, and it looked fantastic and everything. Then we all realised that it was just a platformer with horrible physics and a rubbish, game breaking and unnecessary third dimension. The fact that virtually all of the user made levels don’t bother with any level depth speaks volumes. Despite the lovely narration by Stephen Fry, …

Things I’ve been playing recently

It’s a been a little while since I posted, so a round-up of recent gaming adventures… Hyrule Warriors (Wii U) Almost 50 hours have been spent on this now. It’s such an addictive game, and considering how few level maps there are (maybe 10?) there’s so much actual game content and variety. With loads of weapons still to unlock, and several characters still mostly unused, never mind a yet-to-be-started Master Quest mode, there’s a lot left to do. Most recently, …

The PS3, Two Months On

You may recall that just over two months ago, my brain became sick and I bought a Playstation 3. A 160GB Playstation 3 Slim, to be more specific. Even though I’ve hated everything Sony have ever made, and after the mistake I made getting a PSP, I promised myself I’d never buy a PS3. So I bought a PS3. Buh. Now I’ve had it a bit longer, and PSN is back up properly (sort of), and I’ve downloaded some games …

The Rapture: A post about the PS3

I have, in the past, been quite vocal about my dislike for Sony products. Specifically, the Playstation, Playstation 2, and the PSP. All of which I own, all of which I hate. In fact, I have no idea why I even bought a PSP. I didn’t want one, and just had £125 in my pocket one day when I saw a white one for sale for £125. Fool and his money, etc. My main gripe with all of these, but …

Games I’ve Played In The Last Week Or Two

Haven’t had an update post in a while, and I’ve been trying out lots of different games over the last couple of weeks and not made mention of them here, so here’s a roundup: Say What You See (iOS) A series of pictures with hidden clues to game titles, films, etc. Like a cross between Where’s Wally? and a cryptic crossword. There are number of “canvases”, and I’ve been playing the Arcade Games one. Completed it, but some of them …

Completed 2011

A World of Keflings (360 01/01/2011) Sonic Adventure (360 05/01/2011) Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (360 15/01/2011) Professor Layton and the Lost Future (DS 09/02/2011) Detana!! TwinBee (360 19/02/2011) TwinBee (360 27/02/2011) Red Dead Redemption (360 03/03/2011) Sonic the Hedgehog (DS 06/03/2011) Pac-Man Championship Edition DX (360 13/03/2011) X-Men (360 10/04/2011) Pilotwings Resort (3DS 10/04/2011) Metal Slug (Wii 14/04/2011) Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers (Wii 14/04/2011) Burning Fight (Wii 15/04/2011) Magician Lord (Wii 15/04/2011) Muramasa: The Demon Blade (Wii 19/04/2011) …

Ghostwire Toyko (PS5): COMPLETED!

There’s a song by Puffy AmiYumi called Planet Tokyo. I mention this not because it has anything to do with the game, but every time I see the title “Ghostwire Tokyo” I read it in the same tune. Yes, I know you probably have no idea what I’m on about. I went into the game itself pretty blind. I’d glanced over a couple of reviews and read some game-content-free comments on how good it was, but I think I was …

Deiland (Switch): COMPLETED!

Set in the same universe as Summer in Mara, Deiland starts out as superficially similar – chop down trees, smash rocks, grow crops – but set on a tiny planet instead of a big sea. There’s no exploration, and you only have a couple of small areas of other planets you can travel to as the story progresses, and also unlike Summer in Mara, there’s combat. Every so often, baddies will spawn on your little planet and you have to …

The Lego Movie 2 Videogame (Switch): COMPLETED!

Yes, it’s another Lego game. Which means that it’s the same as all the other Lego games, right? Well, no actually. In several important ways. Of course, the basic gameplay is mostly unchanged. You go around a level, solve little puzzles and generally smash everything you come across, but this game (and it’s possible the Lego Incredibles and Lego DC Super Villains do the same – I’ve yet to play them) is more open world and far less linear than …

Phantasy Star II (Switch): COMPLETED!

Phantasy Star II was never my favourite game in the series. It’s the one I’ve played the least, the one I struggled with the most, and the one which has the worst dungeons ever. But I still really like it. Compared to the original, despite appearing on more powerful hardware, this sequel seems such a step backwards in many ways. The dungeons are no longer rendered in 3D, which is the biggest change, instead being the more usual JRPG “almost …